Ik Saran Dhian
International School of Sacred Living
Ik Saran Dhian
International School of Sacred Living

The Magical Whiteness

Like many places in Europe, we have recently had snow and freezing temperatures, down to -8°C! We were able to do our daily walk in the fields because the mud was covered with snow or ice. We enjoyed the unique gift of the silence that snow brings, as well as the beauty of the snowflakes on the trees and the small blades of grass that reveal themselves in the blanket of white. Magically inviting us to explore what is beneath the surface, behind the superficial.


Some days the wind was incredibly icy and we were reminded of her different qualities.
The soft touch on the skin of the summer breeze which is a relief from the heat.
The gale that almost lifts us off our feet.
The icy wind that cuts like a knife through our skin, leaving it dry, perhaps even opening the skin as if it were literally cut by a knife.
Wind is a feminine quality, so this little contemplation gives us many insights into feminine qualities.



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