Ik Saran Dhian
International School of Sacred Living
Ik Saran Dhian
International School of Sacred Living

Teachings for couples

In the Teachings of Kundalini Yoga, married life is the highest form of yoga.

Couples are not born strong. The Teachings accompany us to become strong as a result of a birthing process that inevitably affects all aspects of life.

It manifests itself mainly as a tension: between the other and me, between my perception of who I am (my story) and the gifts that want to manifest themselves through me.

In the Couple Teachings in Kundalini Yoga, the couple dynamics are based on the recognition, service and fulfilment of the Divine in and through the other.

This mutual dynamic merges two souls and makes them shine in the world. Like a lighthouse.

Read more below.

Your kindness and gentleness, Ishwara; your humor and sharpness, Kirpal; the harmony you exude through your singing and your being together... all of this leaves me with a happy and peaceful memory and I thank you for it.

Valérie de Changy

The spiritual couple

To take up the challenge of this birth is to engage deeply in the potential of the spiritual couple - in the unknown.

This requires a stable and fearless listening to what's going on. Listening in a spiritual couple is born from a deep recognition of who you are. It accompanies the awakening of your conscience: this is who I am!

Peaceful environments, happiness and joy do not depend on the outside. A spiritual couple creates them and maintains them especially during difficult times.

To understand the principles underlying your relationships and your life, the spiritual couple recognizes, works with and transcends the patterns acquired through imitation of parental patterns and emotional dynamics in the environment that have unconsciously been reproduced.


Our Training

In our Aquarian Age Couples Training, you'll..:

  • Practically explore your polarity in relation to each other
  • Work creatively with your polarity
  • Discover who you are in this dynamic
  • Deepen your understanding of the underlying principles that shape your relationship

The Training for couples is based on the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Karam Kriya - Sacred Numerology and the wisdom of the centuries.

LGBTQIA+ couples are of course welcome.

For more information on the Formation, click on the link above for 'retreat details'.

"Marriage is when there are two bodies...

and only one soul.'

Site design and referencing by Simplébo
