Ik Saran Dhian
International School of Sacred Living
Ik Saran Dhian
International School of Sacred Living

Teacher Training - Level 1

Through Teaching we discover our gifts. 
The different facets of the Self, asleep or disconnected, prevent us from realizing our full potential. 
Sharing what we are learning, however humble, is a profound unifying experience. For sharing, teaching, is awakening and connecting the different facets of our lives, in order to unify and merge them, which ultimately allows us to emanate the Teachings naturally and effortlessly, like a luminous crystal. 
For many students, training is a stage in the discovery of their destiny.
It's a human adventure!


Read more below.

Teacher training has been profoundly transformative and very ecstatic. Full of fun and laughter. I felt touched by the finger of the Divine!'.


Foundations and Awakening - Level 1
This stage includes the fundamental understanding and experience that the self, at its core, is always one with the One (Ek Ong Kar); the understanding of the essential parts and character of a human being; and the fundamental principles and practices of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.
By completing this step, you become a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor.
Why do a Teacher Training Course?
A few reasons: 
  • improve my health
  • go further in this practice that I love
  • follow the call of my soul 
  • to deepen my path, my spiritual tradition.
  • change some of your habit patterns through the power of the practice
  • find the courage to make meaningful changes in your life
  • become a Yoga Teacher
  • establish a daily practice
  • meet like-minded people
  • be part of a growing spiritual community
Training with Ik Saran Dhian
Some of our Trainings consist of three residential weeks.
Others are a residential week and sessions of 2, 3, 4 or 5 days.
All our Courses include at least one residential week, an immersion, Ashram style, alongside your peers and under the guidance of the School's Directors.
Many people experience a deep awakening, especially during these intensive weeks.
A typical day
To start the day, we meet at 5am for our morning practice.
It consists of reading a sacred text, Kriya (exercises), relaxation and 62 minutes of sung meditation.
In an Ik Saran Dhian Training, the music is usually "live".
After breakfast and lunch, there are Training modules and sometimes a shorter session after dinner.
In addition, there are breaks during the day as well as physical yoga practices.
The Teaching is based on experience and self-initiation. 
Everyone is encouraged to share experiences and ask questions. 
Main themes of this Training
  • The Age of Aquarius;
  • Sadhana (daily practice);
  • The Science of Sound;
  • Teaching a Kundalini Yoga class;
  • Pupil / Teacher Relationship
  • The Art of Conscious Breathing;
  • Yogic lifestyle;
  • Yogic anatomy;
  • Western anatomy;
  • Postures;
  • Mind and Meditation;
  • Humanology;
  • Nutrition and health;
  • Yogic philosophy;
  • The 10 Facets/Virtues of a Human Being;
  • Review

The training is internationally recognized, certified by KRI (Kundalini Research Institute). It is a 220-hour course, including 180 hours of classroom instruction and 40 hours of homework. After completing all the requirements, you will be certified Level 1 internationally. The Training is primarily a personal development course. You do not need to consider becoming a Teacher to take the course.

The techniques of Kundalini Yoga form

an owner's manual of human consciousness.'

Site design and referencing by Simplébo
