Ik Saran Dhian
International School of Sacred Living
Ik Saran Dhian
International School of Sacred Living

What seeds do you feed?

As I walk through the fields, I can feel the seeds that have been hibernating over the winter and are now waking up. They are beginning to feel the influx of sunlight, longer days, rain showers and light breezes. Slowly but surely they are moving towards the light that brings awareness and possibility. They are preparing for the blossoming that is sure to accompany their development (in flower). 

Each year we have the opportunity to awaken new seeds and bring them to fruition. A spring cleaning of body and mind prepares us to have the energy and clarity to go further this time. To build on what has flourished in previous years. To have the courage to step into the unknown as a new bloom always brings that mixture of excitement and fear of something that has never been experienced before.

A daily practice that works with the naval can give you the strength to choose which seeds to nurture and which to let go of when you realise they no longer serve you in living your destiny.

What seeds do you feed?  


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